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One time I saw you changing clothes as I walked past your bedroom- your big broad shoulders and strong chest, all the way down to your big, thick shaft. I could not take my eyes off of you. You knew I was looking, but you didn’t seem to mind very much, in fact you became hard and even stroked yourself a little for me, and let me watch you cum. I know what’s on your mind as you softly blow those smoke rings towards me. I know what I’m thinking too: before I leave for the Navy next month-how. “Well Stuart, my grandparents died in the last year and I was their only grandson, so my share of the estate was ... plenty, at least plenty as far as I’m concerned,” Rich explained.“So, you’re thinking to buy a home outright, and not have to deal with payments and all of that?”“Exactly!” they said together.“Wonderful, so next would be; do you prefer a big front yard, back yard or both?” I asked.“Both,” “Front,” they each said. I suppressed a chuckle.“I’ll put in both, and we find out in a. “Wow sir” she replied amazed that I had tasted semen, “I always recommend that if you wake up and your penis is stretching then a good massage of the penis usually produces enough protein to kick start your day sir” which was great advice and something I had done before, more than once.I was liking this girl, she talked sense and was so professional in her approach and advice, “It is also an unwritten rule that if another person is available, like you had a friend staying over then preference. " Yes. Do you want to go in? The pool is free." Yes, I want to go in now. Will you, Kari?"Kari said, "No pictures and I'll go."I said, "No problem. Do you think we should wake Dan?" Let him sleep." she said.I grabbed some towels and soon we were all naked in the pool. Tiffany came out and said, "I thought I was the only one here. Mind if I join you?" She took off her top and was soon naked with us.I looked up to see Jody and Hannah taking off their clothes as they walked to the pool. They both.
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