“That’s fine,” Tom remarked. “Is there anything else you can’t do at work?” I thought for a second, not realizing the full depth of his probative question. “No,” I replied. “I just can’t drink.” “Can you give a blow job at work?” he asked. His question caught me off guard. Before I could answer, he quickly apologized. “I can do whatever you want,” I replied. “Really?” Tom responded. I swung my legs off the bench seat and toward where Tom stood beside me. My heart was beating so fast, that I. Disclaimer: it's a fairly dark intro.]The first thing I heard was music.It was a classical piece I couldn't recognize off the top of my head. I thought I had heard it before, but it sounded very pleasant in the background, so I chose to ignore it. I couldn't place the event for the life of me. It was a presumably prestigious event, as every person I saw was dressed in a fancy dress or tuxedo, with high heels and dress shoes to match. I found myself wearing a similar outfit, sipping away at a. Asking her about the chances of meeting but still didn’t get any reply! I logged out and waited for next day!Next morning in the office I received a call from an unknown person.I picked it up and a very sweet voice speaker from that sideShe- hey Mayank how are you??I knew it was her!Me- hello Piya! Finally, you called. I am fine but have been waiting for your call since yesterday.She- sorry ya, I got busy with my relatives never got a chance to call, even now I have come to washroom to talk to. Our sex life was what I thought was normal. We had a loving relationship honed and developed over our married life. When we were first married we had sex just about every night and during the day on weekends. As time progressed we were down to two or three times a week, which was enough to take away the urge for me and I thought it was the same for Flo. Over the years I’d learned all of Flo’s buttons to push to get her to orgasm and when she came she made a peculiar keening sound to announce.
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