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Jay threw a few unopened boxes on the mannequinbefore it could slide any closer, then considered hisoptions. "See, all men are... what the blazes are you doing?" Filling the cup with water, Jay smirked and threw it atthe fuse box, shielding his eyes at the same time. Waterhitting the open fuse box had the usual effect. Fat sparks,a small fire, and the power being immediately cut. Having memorized the position of the firedoor, nowunlocked due to the power being cut, Jay was outside in. I guess the Washington drivers aren’t about to pull over for a lowly Secretary on his way to the Pentagon. Not that I blame them. But it did take some time before we pulled up to the entrance of the Department of Defense. It gave me time to try and remember what I know about Defense.The Department of Defense is an executive branch department of the federal government of the United States charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government concerned directly. She blushed a bright shade of red, then said almost as an after thought, Well, now what do we do? What do you mean, Now what? I stammered. What do you want to do? I dont know Charlie, what do people do when they want to do it? Well, I guess we can kiss, if you would like. I mean if you would let me, Id like to kiss you, I said. Okay, Id like that too, she said. Come here and give me a nice hug and kiss. I walked to where she was standing and took her into my arms. I turned my head slightly and. My, what a feeling it was. I lifted her up and told her that I would give her the best fuck she would ever get in her life and she promised me all co-operation and an assurance of the best woman I would ever have in my life in her. Without wasting time, I began to unbutton her blouse and saw her deep cleavage which had perfectly rounded tits like mangoes. I pulled off her blouse and saree. She dropped her inner skirt and stood in her panties which could barely cover her tight and bulging cunt..
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