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Teasing me further she said, “Is that sadness I sense?”“A little, yeah”, I blurted out. We both continued to tease each other for a few minutes when the last batch of volunteers left.“Oh, it’s getting late, looks like that’s all we have for today”, she remarked while looking at me.“I would be more than happy to continue this conversation via phone”, I replied. She smiled and agreed to exchanged numbers. I walked her to her car and gave her a light hug. Despite resisting a little, she didn’t. The department meetings are a problem, as well. They give me no support, it makes me appear incompetent. They leave me to twist in the wind.’ ‘There was a man at the old Hughes plant in Fullerton who coined the phrase, ‘Fix the problem, not the blame.’ Everyone who hears it grabs on to it and eventually makes it their own. I use it every chance I get.’ ‘Mike, you’re right, that’s a wonderful concept. I’m going to make a note of that.’ ‘Here’s another little trick you can use. Whenever you speak. I had about twenty-five gallons of gas saved and the generator could run for ten hours on a full four-gallon tank, but there was no telling how long we would be without power. Therefore, I would only keep the generator on for a few hours a day, one for making breakfast and one for making dinner, and some extra time for things like laundry and bathing. During those times, I would also charge my laptop and phone. I had filled up the tub with water for flushing the toilet, but still, I told the. Cerome was impressed. her boss had a huge suite with a bathroom and a ceiling to floor window. There was a divider in the window with 2 large sets of blinds that adjusted to close or open with a remote. The refrigerator was already packed with beer and wine, and we had some sandwiches and munchies in the cooler. there was also a separate room for Peggy where she worked and her office too had a huge window in it. We had a sofa in the main suite and a sofa in her office. Cerome said I bet these.
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