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Emma stirred as I stroked her long dark hair ‘that’s nice’. We awoke early we heard noises coming from below I went down there was a lady standing over the stove ‘good morning sir breakfast won’t be long will your good lady require breakfast sir’ ‘I’m sorry but who are you’ I’m Ms Becky Goodwin sir housekeeper’ by this time Emma had come into the Kitchen ‘I came yesterday sir but you and the good lady were busy’ I saw Emma blush ‘I must apologize’ ‘no need sir it brings back lots of pleasant. .." Kane replied as hestarted to follow Zeke down the steps.The two almost still teens walked down the steps, unaware that the onceunfinished steps were now finished and covered in a tannish coloredcarpet. When they stepped down into the basement, the lights had beenturned off, which they thought was odd because they hadn't actuallyturned off any lights when they had initially hurried upstairs. Zekereached over to the wall on his right, feeling for the light switch paneland flipped both of them. This time it had a foot in it, I recoiled in horror as my hand felt an ankle. I asked 'who's there,' I felt a breeze and than some one rubbed my head and grabbed my shirt pulling me to my feet. As I stood up the bastard punched me in the stomach so hard that I doubled over in pain as the air escaped from my body. I was sinking to the floor when a knee knocked me back against the wall, the hand caught me as I fell backward. Fingers floundered around my waist, my pants was loosen and pulled from. They would not come, however, everything was mixed up with the ugly control board blinking red lights and visions of gypsy queens flaunting their bodies with an almost holy abandon."What?" she asked suddenly, realizing that not a single word from Cubbings' mouth had entered her tormented skull. "What did you say, Cubbie?"Harold Cubbings tried to look as out-of-patience as he possibly could. He performed this remarkable feat of physiognomical control by mimicking the exasperated expressions he.
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