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She was quite able to talk if she chose to expend her breath. That was one of the benefits of the cap, but Teri had learned long ago that doing so only made her struggle worse.With so little time to recover, I knew she wouldn’t last as long under the cap. Taking a long, seven-inch vibrator from the tray, I flicked it on, letting her hear the buzz. A ripple rolled up her belly as I traced the buzzing end along her inner thigh. Teri moaned, trying to get me to plunge it inside her, but I refused. Once I talked face to face with the woman owner of the farm, I realized that she raised sex partners for men and women. She also rented out animals by the hour and had private enclosures in her large barn just for that part of her business. I was amazed the scope of her business. She said that she even put her business on the bulletin boards that were on the internet now. She was getting orders from pet from as far away as Buffalo, Erie, and Cleveland.She asked me what I was looking for and. “Let’s make it interesting,” I said.“How?”Every shot that gets missed you or I have to take off a piece of clothing.”“Are you saying you wanna play strip pool?”“Yes, Maddi, I am. And the loser has to do whatever the winner wants after that.”She tossed the cue back and forth in her hands and thought about it for a second before she put a big smile on her face.“Do you want to fuck me?” She licked the tip of the cue.“Yes. Hard.”“Well you better win the game then,” she winked and sank two more. Immediately, Ajani and Jaden stepped forward, grabbing an arm each and rushing me back towards the dance floor. The two began dancing around me, grinding up against me.We were drawing a lot of attention and before long, three other guys had joined in, each of them taking turns to dance closer to me, their hands touching me all over.My head was spinning, and my whole body trembled with excitement and nerves. Ajani leaned close to my ear to say something."You're so hot, baby. Everyone wants a.
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