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I looked out of the window, trying to relax. The sun was shining and the old oak tree outside stood as study as ever, its leaves barely moving in the wind. Dad and sis were playing with our dog down on the yard. It had been dad's idea to ask mom if I could practice with her. I hadn't been so sure about it initially, but today I had finally gathered my courage and talked to her.After some time I had to shift my hips a little. My testicles were tightening and I had to lay my hands on mom's. They both took off their tops and sat there in jeans and bras, nice site. I pulled off my jeans and boxers and stood in front of them totally naked, my cock already at attention. It isn't huge but big enough. Fran asked me to start rubbing it so I slowly started working it, this was awesome, seeing the two sisters sitting there staring at my cock. It wasn't long before my wife had her pants undone and her hand inside. She then undid her bra and took it off, I looked at her sister and after a. Have enough money saved up to put myself through school," said Nadia."Ya, I am changing now too. Used to sleep around so much but now I think I have found the one," said Nat."We need to move out of here together, move somewhere better. Am tired of this place," said Nadia.Nat walked towards the naked blonde laying in bed and would kiss her on the neck a few times. Nadia would go to sleep with her naked black lover all over her, sucking on her pink white nipples. The blonde still felt a powerful. He could even read and write. Well, only his own name and a few words more. He also visited nearby villages of Tall Ones from time to time, so that the hairless skin that covered most of the stranger's body didn't disgust him."The camping ground for traders is over there," he pointed, answering the man's next question before it was asked. "Just outside the gate. It has a good spring, and plenty of grass for your beasts. Elder Corb will meet with you there as soon as she is informed of your.
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