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Having a good time?’ ‘Wonderful,’ she offered. ‘You?’ she asked as she looked up and down Little Red Riding Hood and her skimpy outfit. ‘If you’re a naughty little girl later I’ll tell you about it.’ ‘If we leave now you can tell me about it on the ride back to the hotel with the car service,’ she whispered seductively. I turned to Little Red and quietly whispered into to her ear asked what Diane had to do before she left. A brief look of astonishment crossed her face before she replied that. I said and ate my food. I took my time and during that Jill must have been taking to some others there cause they were pointing and smiling. The hour was up and Jill came out with her long red hair down and on her shoulders. Her uniform top was unbuttoned below her bra and she came over and sat down. are you ready? she said. Oh, very. I said with a gasp because her hand was on my leg under the table. My legs parted and she found a nice juiced naked pussy quivering. Another woman sat down and. It was just before 11 so I decided to give Daddy a call before it got too late.I called the house and it rang twice, then went into voice mail. I just left a message that we were back and I was going to try his cell. That went immediately into voice mail which meant he had it turned off. I left the same message and added that we would both be waiting for him tomorrow at 4:00 and promised to be good. That done, I checked our voice mail. There was one message, from Daddy. He said he understood. The screen groaned slightly as Rosario stepped out. "You sure are upearly - and this being a Sunday too!"Grant shrugged. "Couldn't sleep."The younger man smiled. "You just need something warm in the bed withyou, then you won't want to get out."Grant eyed him coolly, yet there was a slight twinkle in his eye. "Ifthat's the case, I'll go out and get a dog."Rosario laughed. "You should get a dog, maybe even train it like apolice dog."Grant took another sip of his coffee, as he lowered it, he.
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