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Finally my phone rang and it came up "wife" I answered the call by saying bloody hell you had me worried where are you and why so late, the voice on the other end came back with hello my friend I have your wife here and she has told me to ring you and talk to you whilst she does what she does?I was like WTF who are you, hi he said my name is Mike and your wife is sucking my BIG BLACK COCK! I didn't believe him I said put my wife on now, he said she has her mouth full so I can't. I was telling. "He handed the microphone to Fran, who said, "I know that a lot of you have been to nude beaches and such. But if you want to call yourselves daredevils, you've got to kick it up a notch! Most nude beaches don't allow you to show your sexuality, so Steve and I figured that this session would let you do just that!"We want the women to get horny, too. I want to see a lot of stiff nipples! You're all fit people, you've been horny before, but you've probably never been horny in public, in front of. She made contact, and Kelden started cumming. Unfortunately, his cock was aimed directly at Kyla's face and the first spurt of his seed almost caught her in full in the eyes. She jerked her head up at the last instant, catching the night elf's cum on her neck instead. "First Touch goes to Kyla after a stunning display of acrobatics!" boomed the commentator. Kyla had to shift her weight back and forth to keep Kelden from throwing her lighter body off him, but for the moment was managing to stay. She found the nearest thing to her which happened to be the remote control, sliding it in and out of her soaking hot pussy getting harder and faster with every second until she couldn't handle no more and came all over the sofa. Just as she was calming herself down she heard the front door go and looking at the clock she thought her parents where back early. Upon investigation Kelly discovers it was her father, Steve. Kelly asked him what he was doing back and Steve replied "forgot my wallet we.
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